Estimating Physical Properties of Confirmed Exoplanets: I. Calculation of essential planetary properties-Possible M-R cataloging of exoplanets

Exoplanets New Classification




Planetary system, extrasolar planets, physical properties of exoplanets, Mass-Radius relationship, exoplanet classification


The discovery of extrasolar planets outside our solar system and around other stars is now well underway. In the presented paper, calculations of some physical properties for confirmed exoplanets have been done. We have estimated physical properties such as the semi-major axis for potentially habitable exoplanets, the mass of planets by applying Kepler's third law around the mass of solar, Jupiter, and Earth-mass, stellar luminosity, habitability zone for the inner center and outer regions, radial velocity amplitude, planetary equilibrium temperature (PET) or effective radiation emission temperature and planet density. The mass-radius (MR) relationship of planets was investigated for potentially habitable exoplanets of three different groups of extrasolar planets: Subterran (Mars-size), Terran (Earth-size), and Superterran (Super-Earths or Mini-Neptunes); introduced in PHL, and found well coefficient values for each group. The minimum and maximum values for the mass and radius of exoplanets have been selected from  0.1< M < 10 M  and 0.4 < R < 2.5 R . The same MR relationship has also estimated the same properties for a larger number of confirmed exoplanets with a mass and radius of 0.1< M <100 M  and 0.4< R < 15 R ,  respectively, resulting their classification within 7 groups of mass and radius, with good coefficient values for each group. This is a new, possible cataloging that may need more effort for concluding a better understanding of the properties and varieties of the exoplanets.


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Author Biography

Bijan Nikouravan, Department of Physics, Islamic Azad University (IAU),Varamin, Pishva Branch, Iran


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