Reality of Schrödinger’s Cat


  • Takahisa Okino Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Oita University, 700 Danoharu, Oita City, Oita Prefecture, Japan



Matter Wave‎, Diffusion Equation‎, Schrödinger Equation, Wave Function Collapse, Minimum Time in Physics


The evidence that the probability interpretation is indispensable for the wave function has not been reasonably revealed since the early stages of quantum theory like the topic of Schrödinger’s cat has been discussed from various viewpoints. Recently the Schrödinger equation has reasonably derived from the diffusion equation in accordance with the causality for the Newton mechanics, regardless of the de Broglie’s hypothesis. In the derivation process, the problem of probability interpretation has been reasonably solved in relation to a wave function collapse, and moreover not only the evidence for a micro particle having a wave nature but also the evidence for validity of the de Broglie’s hypothesis itself has been theoretically revealed. Further, the other fundamental problems having been unsolved for a long time are also reasonably solved. For example, it is theoretically revealed that such a single composite particle as a cluster molecule has a wave nature when it is composed of atoms smaller than about 770 numbers.


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Author Biography

Takahisa Okino, Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Oita University, 700 Danoharu, Oita City, Oita Prefecture, Japan


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