A Diamond Universe



  • Bernard GUY Researcher Retired from Mines Saint-Etienne, Institut Mines Télécom, 158 Cours Fauriel, 42023 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2, France




Cosmology, dark matter, dark energy, Shapiro effect, Schwarzschild metric


Cosmology is currently facing some major challenges. In addition to dark matter and dark energy, the issue of ‘impossible’ galaxies has been brought to the fore by the James Webb Telescope. Something simple eludes us, and the various problems mentioned are interrelated. Our proposition is that, on the cosmological scale, it is appropriate to take a value of the speed of light cc  lower than its standard value c0 in vacuum. This defines an optical index cc =c0./cc We account for this ‘refringence’ by a Shapiro effect extended to the scale of the universe (use of Schwarzschild metric), described by its average density ρu and its equivalent gravitational radius Ru. Remarkably, universes with indices greater than two are entirely conceivable, and their characteristics are close to those we determine for our own. The velocities  of celestial objects are estimated from redshifts in ratios of the type v/c, where the speed  of light is usually taken to be equal to . With an equal  ratio v/c (all things considered, only the v/c ratio has any meaning), dividing c0 by a certain factor  lowers the velocities v without postulating the existence of dark matter nor dark energy. Taking into account the problems cited earlier suggests a value of α close to 2.4. We are led to a lengthening of the age of the universe: it could reach 33 billion years. This would allow it to host in its relatively young phases objects that are already old and structured.


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Author Biography

Bernard GUY, Researcher Retired from Mines Saint-Etienne, Institut Mines Télécom, 158 Cours Fauriel, 42023 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2, France



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