International Journal of Fundamental Psychology and social Science <h3 class="t-16 t-bold"><a title=" International Journal of Fundamental Psychology and social Science" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><img src="" alt="" width="1349" height="633" /></strong></a></h3> <p><strong>ISSN : 2231-9484</strong><br /><strong>DOI :10.14331/ijfpss</strong><br /><strong>Aims and Scope</strong><br /><strong>International Journal of Fundamental Psychology and Social Sciences (IJFPSS)</strong> is an International Open Access Journal with OJS (Open Journal Systems) publishing quarterly and covering all parts of <em>Psychology and Social Sciences and etc.</em> <br /><strong>International Association &amp; Organization in Psychology and Social Sciences</strong></p> Fundamental Journals en-US International Journal of Fundamental Psychology and social Science 2231-9484 The Effect of Perceptual-Motor Activities Training on Adaptive Behavior of Autistic Children <p>The aim of this research work is the effect of perceptual-motor activities training on adaptive behavior of autistic children. This semi-experimental research and pre-test-post-test considered by using of control group. The study sample are all autistic children in Mashhad. This semi-experimental and pretest-posttest control group considered. In this study, purposive sampling method is used. This means that of all children with autism, 30 children were selected and randomly divided into two experiment groups (n = 15) and control (n = 15) groups. Moreover the children conditions were assessed using a Weiland adaptive behavior questionnaire and before the implementation of the program no difference between the groups was confirmed. Then the students in the experimental group participated in the perceptual - motor activities training sessions during 12 sessions of 45 minute. Furthermore post-test was performed and the results were assessed using SPSS software and analysis of covariance and two independent samples were analyzed by using of T test. The results showed that, perceptual-motor activities training has a positive effect on the adjustment of autistic children.</p> Zohreh Abbasi Karghand Majid Ebrahim Pour Copyright (c) 2016 Fundamental Journals‎ 2016-09-30 2016-09-30 6 3 23 26 Yogic Practices to Clarify and to Elucidate The Mind According to Patanjali Yoga Sutra <p>The present research paper is to become aware of the sources and causes of unnecessary impressions (samskaras) which reduce the capacity of mind, and Yogic practices to eliminate that load resulting into clear, efficient, elucidated mind according to Patanjali Yoga Sutras. The research also attempts to correlate the techniques to the specific causes and gain insights into the effects of those techniques on the mind and thereby discovering ways and means to lead a peaceful life. A fundamental study of Patanjali Yoga Sutras was done for this research work. Contemplative research has found that if one applies any of given technique to his life, he can achieve tranquility of mind and thus elucidate the mind also.</p> Vidhi Manek Copyright (c) 2016 Fundamental Journals‎ 2016-09-30 2016-09-30 6 3 27 32 The Relationship between Premenstrual (Syndrome) Disorders and Depression in Married and Single Women <p>The aims of the study were to examine the relationship between disorders (syndrome) premenstrual depression in married women and unmarried. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among married and single women. Participants included 200 married and single women, The data collection tools included demographic information questionnaire, daily symptom severity questionnaire, and a provisional diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome questionnaire and beck depression scale. The data analyzed by independent t test, Pearson correlation coefficients in SPSS. Twenty hundreds of the subjects (women and girls) met the criteria for PMD but the impairment of girls was severe. The symptom intensity and frequency of the subjects (women and girls) were different for PMDD. In these two groups, Psychiatric problems, including depression and anxiety, were high. In total, almost all of adolescents reported suffering from distressing premenstrual symptoms, and girls were severe in their symptom severity and characteristics in comparison with married women.</p> Marzieh Mashal Pour Fard* Masoumeh Besharati pour Zahra Ebadi Copyright (c) 2016 Fundamental Journals‎ 2016-09-30 2016-09-30 6 3 33 37