Features of Loschmidt's Number and Its Theoretical Frontiers

Theoretical Physics


  • M.E. Zhussupov Science, Noosphereorder Co., London, UK




Loschmidt's number, fundamental pressure, gravitation, electromagnetism, physical vacuum


Loschmidt's number has played an important role in the development of science and technology and in the establishment of various standards. However, despite advances in the technological methods of estimating Loschmidt's number, the nature of its formation remains unknown. The information that lies in the nature of this constant can be useful for understanding the properties of a physical vacuum and the character of processes of the interaction of matter in this environment. Basing on time and experiment-tested the laws of molecular physics and thermodynamics, some features of the host medium of micro-particles involved in the formation of Loschmidt’s number were identified, describing its nature and the previously unknown phenomena of fundamental pressure of a Universe. The characteristics of various physical and chemical processes occurring in systems associated with a vacuum and the behavior of heavenly bodies are considered from the perspective of this phenomenon’s existence.


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